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6 simple rules to help you be less nervous on any trip – and come home safely

1. You can do without it

Many travelers are getting anxious even before the preparations for the trip starts. “What if I forget my sunscreen?” “What if I forget to pack a present for my aunt?” “What if…” This way your trip turns into hell before it even begins. Just make a list of the most important things you really-really need to pack – and you’ll be surprised to see it includes 10 items max. If you think thoroughly, you’ll probably stop at two or three most crucial points. As for the rest – just know that you can buy it on the trip, and the world will not come to an end if you do.

2. Where am I?

Our brain just hates uncertainty. Not understanding where you are, where to go or where your friends are is the best way to immediately start feeling miserable and decide that your vacation has failed on its very first day. So, the most important thing on a trip is a working mobile phone with a good data plan – and without worrying how much will it cost you to use your  navigation app. That’s why your really-really important checklist should include: your IDs, travel documents, money and a single SIM-card for all your international trips which allows you to be online from the moment your plane lands.

3. Happy Together?

The people you love most are sometimes not your best travel buddies. They often have a special superpower to drive you crazy wherever you go. Some say, the best companion is an independent one. So if you think that your friend or a loved one will definitely be lost without you, think twice before planning a trip together. No offence to your dearest ones, or course.

4. Do we have a plan?

Some of us feel safer if we know everything about our trip in advance. It’s important to respect some people’s wish to have a solid plan and as little surprises as possible during the trip, and, doing that, you’ll definitely feel better and sometimes safer yourself.

5. No, we do not have a plan!

However, there are those whom plans simply make nervous. They begin to feel like they have to work through a checklist, and, instead of having fun, new tasks are accomplished and the schedules are followed – just like in the office. There is an excellent test to define which category of travelers you belong to: imagine the first day after you arrive to your destination. It’s early morning. You are in a very nice, very pleasant hotel. Soft bed. You open your eyes and you feel happy… Do you know what your day is going to be like or, quite the opposite, are you ready for some surprises and unexpected adventures? In the first case, just make a plan, and the more detailed, the better. In the second case – just relax and let yourself go with the flow.

6. You don’t have to…

Yes, you definitely do not have to stand in the line to see Mona Lisa. Yes, you do not have to try fried crickets if this idea disgusts you. Yes, you should not ride in a gondola if you get seasick. Many travelers get a painful “missed opportunities” syndrome by feeling that they have to do anything others do. Just relax and have fun. It’s your vacation, not your KPI test 🙂

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